Coke® Homepage
the unofficial© homepage of the Coca-Cola® beverage

Please note: this page is no longer the official© Coke homepage, as it appears that the Coca-Cola® corporation has established a homepage of its own and no longer needs YIP's helping hand. A web search for "+money +lawyers +humourlessness" should enable you to find the official© site. Enjoy!®

Coca-Cola® is a tasty black drink which enjoys worldwide popularity. On this page, you can find out more about Coca-Cola®, learn some interesting Coca-Cola® facts, and view Coca-Cola's® profits for the 1998 fiscal year.

More About Coca-Cola®
Interesting Coca-Cola® Facts
Coca-Cola's® 1998 Profits

YIP Logo Space For This Page Donated by YIP

"Coke"®, "Coca-Cola"®, "The Real Thing"©, "Always"©, "It"©, "Christmas"©, "Summer"©, "The Olympics"© and most other words are owned by the Coca-Cola® Corporation.

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