Pyroto Merit Badges - Gallery
Pyroto Merit Badges are something like Boy or Girl Scout Badges -- they're offered to wizards on all mountains to give players something else interesting to strive for beyond levels, manna and esteem. Wizards must apply for the badges and provide basic evidence of their achievement in order to receive them, so if you feel you've earned any of the badges, get in touch! You can view the list of available badges here.
Amsha (Broppsfar)

Critias (Pyroto)

FFTobago (Pyroto)

Jekyl (Ri Shoo)

Polaris1 (Imaz)

Ninjalicious (Pyroto)

Think you've earned a badge? Got an idea for a new badge? Please e-mail Ninjalicious!
"Pyroto" and a bunch of other words here are trademarks of Pyroto, Inc.
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