The Pyroto Observer
an entirely unofficial take on current events in the land of Pyroto![]()
Who's On Top?
Pyroto has more than its fair share of Indigo and Blue robes, the most weathered of which are worn by Jimbo, Noodle Dwarf and Zelda, who are currently approaching the 250 range and are the highest wizards in the land. Filling out Pyroto's Indigo band are Thargor, Mingus, MsMittens, Jekyl, Andreus, Ninjalicious, FFTobago, Souldance, Odinsday and Fionn Mac Cumhail. High-level Blues include LadyMockingbird, Jan, Victoria Rose, Wikkid, Moose and Keekster.
At the time of this writing, the quiet Imazian Zeno is the highest wizard outside of Pyroto, though he has lost his claim on being the highest wizard in the land. Nimby and Kirin are also doing well on Imaz (just past 200). These top three wizards are more distantly trailed by fellow Indigoes Lord Cajigas, LordGenao, Travis122, Cjilgott, Dilerium, Boru and Dulcinea; and Blues Mr.Paul, Dark Heron, Chance, Iovere, MasterGenao, Tsmaster, UniqueCrash4, Blue Ariel, Jacee, Punky, Questor, Ratatosk, Algrebo, Harrison, Warwizard0069, Elgjeff, Mr.Gene, River Ariel, AvylaJewelSynda, Blackcat, Dorrin and Illystl.
Pogue currently occupies Restlech's loftiest perch (135), and only a handful of other wizards have made it past the Green level on Restlech so far: Soup, Tempest, YT TIGER, Thalamus, Fantome and Rubicon.Things Observed
The Observe log is getting more and more interesting to peruse, as Tombo has excluded mundanities such as wizards logging in, logging out and signing up, and added more important happenings such as migrations (migrations are reported on both the mountain of departure and the mountain of arrival).
Pyroto continues to be the most active mountain in the land, though most of the activity in the Observe log is friendly in nature. The team of Jimbo, Noodle Dwarf and Zelda continue to climb and promote one another at a steady pace, though the larger team of Thargor, Mingus, MsMittens, Jekyl and Andreus appears to be outpacing the "Big Three" ever-so-slightly and will probably overtake the "Big Three" by level 260. Despite Andreus' frequent attempts to rattle the cages of Jimbo, Noodle Dwarf and Odinsday, there have still been no real inter-Indigo conflicts. The only major conflict on Pyroto in the last little while occured when Nishy (or one of his multiple personalities) suddenly Kamikazi'd Fionn Mac Cumhail for no apparent reason; Fionn's fellow Indigoes have since Promoted him back to his old level and beyond.
On Imaz, Nimby continues to Promote wizards like there's no tomorrow, having recently doled out hundreds of levels to Boru, Jacee, Punky, Lightnin, Acapellican, Elgjeff, Blue Ariel, Mr.Paul, UniqueCrash4 and Soup. Combatting Imaz's rampant level inflation, Thanatos Kamikazi'd BigMac, costing the popular sandwich 20 levels. Apparently impressed with the power of Kamikazi, BigMac then went on to employ the spell against Mr.Gene, costing the latter 57 levels, and costing the former quite a few retaliatory Drains. FattyChopper has also been on the receiving end of a lot of negative spells, primarily Demotes coming from Zeno and Cjilgott.
Life on Restlech is calm. Pyrotian Fionn Mac Cumhail seems to be stopping by regularly to Promote his pal Pogue to the top of the mountain. Pogue has been doing a fair bit of Promoting himself. In fact, everyone on the Restlech commune seems to be Promoting and Bestowing one another frantically, with not a negative spell in sight.A Word From Panther29611
TPO believes in giving equal time to provocative commentary from other wizards. Accordingly, here are some thoughts on Pyroto's current political situation of Promotions, Bestowals and overall comraderie from newcomer Panther29611: "What is the deal with this war on the mountain. It seems that these people are being a little childish. It may be fun to attack some people but it should not be fun to make the whole mountain angry. If worse comes to worse, I say that we little people should make a stand now. Lets unite and make this mountain peaceful again."Foster Wizards Plan
Father and son wizards WyldMan and WogglyDog are taking up a collection to help them move to Restlech. In WogglyDog's words: "Hey, this is WyldMan's son. We're moving to Restlech and we need more manna. We're gonna ask for permission to go there, then we'll need to beg for a little manna. We figure that two green robe wizards would do them some good, so they'll want us. I just want to contact the highest level wizard. By the way, PLEASE, if the highest level wizard is reading this, consider what we are saying. It will cost me around 200 more manna, and it will cost my father, WyldMan, around 500 to 700 manna (I'm not sure). Thank you. He has already asked Nimby, and I will soon ask Zelda and Jimbo. Nimby said no, according to him. We are planning to rendezvous at 5575. We need help!!!"
TPO agrees with WogglyDog's final comment, but wonders if this is the first glimmer of a new era in which the mountains compete for active wizards.Meet Your Overlords: Andreus
So far, Andreus is highest-level wizard to immigrate to Pyroto Mountain. Since he arrived, he's tried his best to woo Pyroto's women and pick fights with Jimbo, Noodle Dwarf and Odinsday, but with no real successes so far. Here's a look what motivates this often incomprehensibly enthusiastic wizard.When and on what mountain did you start playing Pyroto?
I started playing pyroto in the year of Lord 2000, just after the millenium... I was never a player in the 1900s. It was about day 5501 or something like that. So I have been on for a couple months. I was obsessively fascinated at first. I have tapered it down a little now, but it is still lots of fun. My home was Imaz. Shucks, it will always have a place in my heart, even if it is run by psychos. That is too harsh. But I actually think the little battles of Pyroto make it more real. The Imazians are struggling to figure out who they really are and what is an acceptable level of argument.You've had a good taste of both the major mountains. What do you feel Imaz could learn from Pyroto, and vice versa?
Imaz could learn that demoting is not necessarily an evil thing. In fact, the whole level deflation issue is over wizards doing massive promotes. Pyroto could learn a little more cooperation. I actually think Imaz is starting to shape up to be more political than Pyroto. Despite some *ahem* particularly strong wizard[s]' opionions on Pyroto, Imaz has really shown some cooperation in climbing and communication.What made you decide to migrate to Pyroto?
Interesting message posts and a good climbing group.How much did your migration cost you, in terms of manna, levels, esteem, psychological damage, etc.?
Manna was 404. Esteem stayed the same, but the promotions to get me back to level cost a little esteem. I lost 5 levels.Have you ever used any offensive spells?
Nope, I never have. I guess I never got around to it. This is not saying that I won't. Ha! I guess my send and contact spells have been offensive in content if not in nature. But I think they are good spells; I just never figured I was responsible enough to use them.If you could get rid of or drastically change any Pyroto spell, which one would you pick?
The Clan spell doesn't do a thing yet. I would really like to see that spring into action. I would also tinker with the cost of promote/demote spells.Any predictions for the future of Pyroto and Imaz?
They'll both work out ok. I am anxious to see what Restlech turns out like, and of course, the others.Plea For Submissions
I plan on featuring more articles in future editions of TPO, but I don't want to write the whole thing myself. If you'd like to contribute a news item, a commentary or even a regular column to TPO, please send a contact message to Ninjalicious so we can talk it over. I'm especially eager to recruit some wizards from Imaz and Restlech, so this newsletter doesn't wind up being too Pyroto-centric.Back to main