Families of Valparai

I visited many families around Valparai. This was good, especially the first visit as usually I'd be a special guest and they'd make me a super meal.


this is at Karty-Priya's house. she's the one in orange in the middle. her family is around her. she left the school to pursue further studies shortly after I arrived. I hope she does well. I wish her the best of luck.


this is Sumathi and Suja's house. they were the two administration assistants at the school. Sumathi was by far the prettiest girl in India. Now I'm happy she married a nice gentleman. I wish her all the best to be successful in her life

they were quite poor compared to the teachers. they made their internal walls out of newspaper


this is henry's buddy "mustache". his mustache is quite like a famous south indian bandit (still not caught) named Verapin. henry's the one on the right, and he was my main host-father


puja at a student's house. puja is hindu praying kinda, but more interesting


a student


this is a student's "coming of age" ceremony


this is the servant vargese in his best dress


this is vimal and his folks