These joints have names that are vaguely reminscent of the name Coffee Time. (Many of these look a little like Coffee Time too, but the best clones are on the "wanna be like" page.)
Hey, who doesn't like a little lime in their coffee?
Supremacy, youth, vigour — that's what donut shops are all about.
This box-shaped place has nothing dome-like about it. It seems it was simply floundering for a word that sounded something like "time" and wasn't taken.
Equality! Vive la revolution!
C'mon, team, we've got to get rid of all those extra donuts!
I'm not arguing that "Coffee Together" actually sounds like "Coffee Time", merely that this name is such an awkward stretch that the owners were almost certainly striving for a similar sound.wanna look like | wanna sound like | wanna be like | what can I do?