Pyroto Merit Badges
Pyroto Merit Badges are something like Boy or Girl Scout Badges -- they're offered to wizards on all mountains to give players something else interesting to strive for beyond levels, manna and esteem. Wizards must apply for the badges and provide basic evidence of their achievement in order to receive them, so if you feel you've earned any of these badges, get in touch!
Superstar. Some wizards have long and uneventful careers while others burn brightly for but a month or two. The Superstar badge is given to those wizards the Land will never forget: those who have either taken or dished out any combination of the spells Kamikaze, Reduce and Banish 16 or more times. (Neither unsuccessful attempts nor self-targetted kamikazes count.)
Recruiter. Pyroto doesn't work without wizards! The recruiter badge is awarded to any wizard who can demonstrate that he or she caused 16 or more sanctified wizards to give the game a try.
Soloclimber. While there's no shame in getting to the top as part of a climbing partnership or team, those who can make it the entire way up the mountain without outside assistance in the form of bestowals or promotions are a special breed. The Soloclimber badge is awarded to all wizards who have climbed from 0 to 512 straight, strictly on their own steam.
Favourite. The Favourite badge is awarded to those talkative wizards who have at one point been able to climb above level 500 in bonus manna.
Traveller. Some wizards stay put on the mountain they started on for their whole careers, while others get out there and see the world. The Traveller badge is awarded to wizards who have resided on each of the five mountains (Pyroto, Imaz, Restlech, Broppsfar and Ri Shoo) for at least 16 consecutive days.
Speedclimber. While everyone can get to the pinnacle eventually, some can do it in weeks rather than months. The speedclimber badge is awarded to wizards who have climbed at least 256 straight levels strictly on their own steam, in four days or less.
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