The Pyroto Observer
an entirely unofficial take on current events in the land of Pyroto
Soup and Chowder
When Ninjalicious banished Soup (or Chicken-Fried Steak as he was known at the time), some wizards expressed their concern that banishing Soup instead of keeping him in negative forever would allow him to secretly rejoin the game with a new personality, return to power, and then get revenge on his old enemies (i.e., almost everyone).
Shortly after Soup's banishment, a new wizard named HarmonyJones appeared on Broppsfar. Ms. Jones didn't show any special skill at climbing and, indeed, seemed quite confused by Pyroto -- but her esteem, manna and levels all increased quite steadily. She demonstrated a fondness for hanging around some of the same wizards that Soup had kept company with -- such as Sheriff Venus and Serena Williams, Severina and Clope -- and appeared unable to restrain herself from picking fights with members of the Teeming Millions in the Mountain Politics ether channel. And she migrated away from Broppsfar.
But perhaps the most convincing action was HarmonyJones' assumption of the name Chowder. This was enough to convince Broppsfar ranker Magenta Lizard that she had found her resurrected nemesis -- and, after demoting Chowder 77 times, she split the remainder of her manna between her allies and quit the game.
Chowder was next harassed by was Soup-hater BunnyTNG, who followed Chowder to Workalk and proclaimed a new rule that wizards must be honest about wizards they used to control. Seeing the implications of this new rule, Chowder demoted BunnyTNG 66 times, to which BunnyTNG retaliated with a slew of drains. The two wizards were then promoted and bestowed back to their previous levels by Soulrift. Again, BunnyTNG attacked Chowder, this time with demote, and again, Soulrift reversed the effects.
While openly expressing their conviction that Chowder was a reincarnation of Soup, several Paz Clafi rankers invited Chowder to migrate to Paz Clafi, where he/she could be safe from future attacks. Jart went so far as to pledge to fund the entire manna and level cost of Chowder's migration.
On 5714, Chowder took the wizards of Paz Clafi up on their offer.Hit and Run
Further on the subject of "safe harbours": on 5700, then-Pyroto-wizard Fionn Mac Cumhail suddenly demoted Pyroto wizard JadeMage 250 times. Without comment or explanation, Fionn then migrated to Paz Clafi, where he was promptly promoted 30 levels and bestowed 10,000 manna by Soulrift. Pyroto wizards Nighty, Munch, Hedwig, Persephone, and DigitalMan were left to restore JadeMage to her old level (though, strangely enough, the bestow-happy Soulrift bestowed manna to Nighty and Persephone to reward their generosity in doing so).
While Fionn did subsequently offer an explanation for his attack (he had demoted JadeMage to the bottom of the mountain because she did not respond to his messages), some wizards on Pyroto weren't completely satisfied with this explanation, given that JadeMage was an active, peaceful wizard who had done nothing to provoke an attack.
In the days that followed, Fionn continued to attack Pyroto's JadeMage, now by repeatedly promoting her, in violation of Pyroto's rule against mass promotions and in spite of JadeMage's stated desire to earn her levels herself. At JadeMage's request, Pyroto wizards Munch, Ninjalicious and DigitalMan undid the promotions at their own expense.
So far, the wizards of Paz Clafi have taken no punitive action for these hostilities -- indeed, the Prodigals clan has gradually promoted Fionn a further 12 levels and bestowed him a further 11,000 manna.Smihosdahm Silliness
It's hijinks as always for the five to six wizards who inhabit Smihosdahm Smodira. After being bumped into Magenta by a visiting Soulrift, PsychoMage decided to promote his colleagues in the Smihosdahm Smodira Scaling Society up to Magenta with him. But when once hoisted above 256, the new Magentas suddenly found themselves without sufficient Support, and tumbled down the mountain. The fiasco is significant, as it proves a long-standing theory on how the promote spell can be used as an attack spell.
Fortunately for the SSSS, the fall didn't cause them to lose any esteem, so the climb back up the mountain should go quickly. In the meantime, the inactive SunTzu is king of the mountain at level 205.The Homecoming
On 5712, the number of Pinnacle Wizards on Pyroto Mountain suddenly tripled when FFTobago and Ninjalicious were joined by migrants Soulrift, Souldance, Andreus and Sekhmet. MsMittens followed the next day.
While Soulrift is a true newcomer to Pyroto (aside from his frequent visits), the migration represents a homecoming for natives MsMittens, Souldance and Sekhmet and naturalized Pyrotian Andreus.
With the exception of Crazed Monk Souldance, all the new arrivals are members of the Prodigals clan. Pyroto resident Thargor and ever-migrating explorer Jekyl are also members of the clan, which was attacked by Ninjalicious and FFTobago on 5656. Most members of the Prodigals have spent some time in a self-imposed off-mountain exile.
Though some wizards have expressed concern about the Prodigals' willingness to respect Pyroto's policies against mass promotions, the new arrivals have genuinely been welcomed to Pyroto.The Standings
Will be covered next issue. If you're from a distant mountain, please help out by submiting Observe logs and Omniviews!Last Wizard Standing by Tandyman
The latest fad to come out of the ether is 'Last Wizard Standing'. Tandyman has gathered together 32 wizards and teamed them up in a competition that he saw in an e-mail game that just happens to have a Survivor-like format. These wizards are competing for a grand prize of 7000 manna.
In the first phase of each round these wizards will compete in mini-games, tests of knowledge, and meanial tasks to determine immunity from the second phase of each round which will be the voting procedure. In the second round each wizard will secretly vote for the wizard that they'd like to boot out of their team. This procedure will continue through the teams are melded together and until the final wizard is determined.
On 5712 the team lists were posted on the Last Wizard Standing ether. On the red team there's NILREM, Chameleon, Polaris1, Myriad, Kornbread420, Jart, AceWebster, and soulrift. The green team is comprised of Sekhmet, Munch, Campgrrrl, Prince of Thieves, Falc, SuezQz, Prospero, and nibsy. Denizen, Jekyl, Damn Wicked Soul, Sloopie, Rhiannon, FFTobago, Danielle1, and Dil~Pickle make up the black team. Finally we have Phronk, Iksniper, Eij, zak, Ninjalicious, Banaque, Sangiovese1, and Loren_Silvercloak on the blue team. These wizards are currently in a first round team competition to determine their team names. The team with the best name will be receiving immunity from the voting procedure. This contest should be completed on 5715 and the first round of voting will be on 5716.Miss Manna
Dear Miss MannaB>,
Sorry for the garbage message, I am testing some cool HTML I saw >HREF="in the ether.No,
ALIGN=RIGHT>one more try. <applet= Okay just this one more time! Damnit! It still didn't work! Sorry about this.
wait, it didn't work,
tvGarbled on Garb Aylecks<FONTGentle Wizard,
Much like picking up after one's puppy, the Hurl spell works wonders on "test messages". (Keep in mind this will not work if you are posting to the Ether). If you insist on trying crazy HTML, please clean up your scraps when you are done with your testing phase. However, Miss Manna can't help but point out that thousands of years of great ideas have been documented quite clearly already without the aid of scrolling, blinking, or extra-large red type.Admin Notes
If you want TPO to be thorough, accurate and on time, please do consider submitting info or articles about your mountain to Ninjalicious; there's no possible way I can keep up with everything interesting on more than a dozen active mountains!
P.S. Interested parties can access older issues of TPO here."Pyroto" and a bunch of other words here are trademarks of Pyroto, Inc.