The Pyroto Observer
an entirely unofficial take on current events in the land of Pyroto![]()
5560 Edition
Starting Standings, Foster Wizards Plan, Meet Andreus.5570 Edition
The Magenta Age, Odinsday on Broppsfar, Cheatie Awards, Thalamus the Spy, Meet Zeno.5580 Edition
The Standings, Quality Control Measures, Broppsfar Opens, Koaching Kiddies, Meet Soup, Trivia Contest.5590 Edition
Imaz's Revolution and its Aftermath, No More Imaz Knights, Miss Manna, Notes from Servants.5600 Edition
Teeming Millions Exodus, The Standings, Iard Crimleu Opens, MegaSurvey, Miss Manna, Meet YT TIGER.5610 Edition
Demotions on Imaz, Clan Spell Updates, Nature of TSOTL Revealed, The Standings, Andreus' Magical Mystery Tour, Maps of the Land, New Mountains, Miss Manna.5620 Edition
Broppsfar Battles, Valt is Opened, UPSman Takes Dent Down, Suggestions on Corrections, Miss Manna, Meet Bricker.5630 Edition
Who's Laffing Now?, The Standings, Zombie Busting, Pyroto-Related Websites, Meet Ezobei.5640 Edition
Restlech Improvement Project, What's Next for Restlech?, Miss Manna, Meet Tandyman.5650 Edition
New Tactical Rules, The Standings, Jbird's Ether Channel Guide, Miss Manna, Meet AmbushBug.5684 Edition
Tim_Lauer's Ether, Pinnacle Era Dawns, Noble Sacrifice, The First Reduce, Conflict at the Top of Pyroto, Banishy Banishy Banishy, Exodus Part III, Restlech Improves Itself, Geography News.5695 Edition
Pyrotian Cracked, Who's Zoomin' Who?, Pyroto Travel Agency, The Standings, Miss Manna.5715 Edition
Soup and Chowder, Hit and Run, Smihosdahm Silliness, The Homecoming, Miss Manna.5773 Edition
Wizzy Busy, Prodigals on Pyroto, Dolphin in Distress, Notable Namechanges, Soup Scorched Redux, Eight Minutes of Fame, The Standings, Miss Manna, Meet Jekyl.