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by Persephone

Once in a while there comes a time when you just have to explode, this was little Freddie's time. Occasionally Freddie would play basketball, today he was not playing basketball. He was doing something far more exciting, he was killing ants and other bugs by burning holes in them with a magnifying glass. He was having a jolly old time.

Then he saw this medium size bug, it was bigger than an ant but smaller than a grasshopper. It was purplish in colour. Freddie had always been taught to fear the colour purple, due to some accident that Freddie's parents had when they were first married. His parents claimed that on their honeymoon there was this big cloud over their hotel, it was purple. Everyone who went outside while the cloud was overhead was instantly turned into a Yorkshire Terrier. Even worse than that the dogs weren't even cute. Needless to say eddie's parents since they were on their honeymoon didn't want to go outside. So they were pretty safe. But not being able to go outside they missed all the fun they could have had on the beach. Ever since then they have brought up their children to fear the colour purple.

So when Freddie saw this bug he was terrified, in fact he actually screamed. That's how terrified he was. As the magnifying glass shone on the bug, it began to grow bigger and bigger until it was the size of the magnifying glass. Freddie was afraid that it was going to eat him, so he tried to plead with the bug's better instincts. First of all Freddie gavthe bug a name, he was to be called George. By doing this Freddie was establishing a bond with the bug, by getting on a first name basis. This would help him later when he tried to explain what had happened. Freddie also went on to play with George by playing games like Simon says, and Tic Tac Toe, even Hopscotch. Unfortunately for Freddie, George didn't like any of these games. George seemed to be getting more annoyed with Freddie as the day went on. Now, Freddie was starting to get really scared, in fact he was horrified, when all of a sudden he exploded.

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