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FUNNY JOKES to make people stare

-There were there two guys in a boat. -by Milky Puppy.

-Did you hear the one about the 2 bodybuilders, the hamburger and the condom?
-No, what?
-Nothing. -by The Sphyramid

-These two guys walked into a bar. You'd think the second one would've ducked.
-by The Golden Rodent

-Ask me if I'm an orange.
-Are you an orange?
-No. -as quoted by Maelstrom

A man walks into the bar. The bartender inquires as to why the man has a parrot on his shoulder. "I don't" he replied.

There were three pigs in a tub. "Pass the soap" one asked. "What do you think I am, a radio??" replied the third.


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