YIP Index


Dear Editors:

I took great offence at the cover of your last issue. Your portrayal of the letter "Q" as an object of worship, with the true messaiah, Jesus Christ, paying homage was the epitome of bad taste. Please refrain from such sacriligeous acts in the future.

Rabbi Singh

Actually, we felt that the large crowd of people counterpointed by the lone figure standing near the toaster parking, in conjunction with the Alpha character "Q", made a very strong statement about society, and the masses inability to cope with it. There is also an underlying counter-theme of the decay of society due to pre-occupation with a dependency on said society. -Ed.

Dear YIP Magazine guys:

Who's Ed?

Just wondering

Psst! Look behind you. -Ed.

Dear Editor:

I don't get it.


Personal problems of this nature and gravity should be addressed to our really, really bad psychological disorders department. Please, help us to help you. -Ed.

Dear Editor,

I just wanted to compliment you on the cover of your last issue. I mean, the large crowd of people counterpointed by the lone figure standing near the toaster parking, in conjunction with the alpha character "Q"... Wow! It made a very strong statement about society, and the masses inability to cope with it. Also, the underlying counter-theme of the decay of society due to our pre-occupation with and dependancy on said society... It just made my heart weep!

Art Lover

Actually, we were just trying to be offensive. -Ed.

Dearest Editors,

I really love your magazine. Your last issue was very good.

Nice Little Girl

Slut! Why don't you just say what you really want? -Ed.

YIP Index