Llamas TXT is the first installment for the Encyclopedia Llamactica and is open for further entries,prose and definitions to all users.
Merriam Webster: Llamma;n. Any of several wild or domesticated S.American mammals related to the camel but smaller and without a hump.
Oxford:Llama;n. Wooly ruminant used in S.America as beast of burden.
Llamaphile; One who performs acts of beastiallity with wooly S.Amer. ruminants without humps.
Llamalingus; The act of performing oral coitus with female S. American rumminants (llamas).
Llamatio; The act of performing oral coitus with the male S.American rumminants (Llamus Hungus)
Llamma Style; The act of copulation with wooly,hung, S.American rumminants (llamas) via the back door.
Give Llama;to; vrb.; See Lamalingus,Llamatio.
Llament; To suffer from the pangs of Llama Love
Llama Love; When it's not just physicall anymore!
Dalai Llama; n. A surrealist of the expressionist era of art who had a fettish for ants, crutches, eggs,and droopy clocks. He was well known for his waxed handlebar goatee and a vicious twitch in his left eye. Also highly revered in India.
Rama-Llama-ding-dong; A 50's Top 40 hit by the Shirelles about a girl who gave llama in the back of a 57'Chevy and got rammed from behind with the car still in neutral.
Llaminate;v. To coat with a plastic like surface from the bile secretions of the intestines of South American wooly ruminants (llamas). Primarily used for driver's licences, identification cards, and restaurant menues.
Isllamic; adj. One who is Llama-like. Example; "He/She isllamic..."