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Sol & Marcel ][:

S&M get killed. By the users of Metro HoloGraphix

When suddenly Sol and Marcel both spontaneously compusted into nothingness and a whole new story began for pure algea, the algea here was too french for my blood, so the GUY (hey, lets call him....FACE) tapped himself on the tooth 3 times and quickly vanished, leaving Mike, Marge and Greg standing all alone. They went on a shopping spree and bought all the yaks and toy spam they could afford, then Mike proposed to marge, spokane style, this was unfortunate seeing as Marge was soaked, and DEFINETELY soaking in it so greg sold his soul to satan so he could say he had done it but then Buddha came down and said 'No' and moses, mohammed and jesus quickly joined in and they all said 'No!' until there were scales stuck to everything, then they all went for lunch at MCYAKS, unfortunately there was one helluva title wave come through the phone lines, which fucked up the phones. But then they all found out they had colours all over the place, this didn't impress Marge at all, so she simply turned her head and continued soaking in it, but Mike was playing with himself while Marge looked on with disgust and fucked her yak quickly horizontally. Mike was quite impressed by this, and promptly killed an inocent bystander, unfortunately his face got stuck in the blender, so he had to wince in pain. Fortunately, he bled to death and was able to sell it at the local donner clinic for lots of money but now that he had no more blood he could not longer eat of drink since there was nothing left to pass the nutrients to. He sighed heavily and died from depression ya but halfway up to heaven God looked at him and said "Your ugly" and sent him back down to Earth to a beauty clinic were he looked for some help but found it easily and yet, difficultly. It was right there, snug in between the slug and the manhole cover, but how was he to get it without dropping it down to hell?? He didn't know. But then he thought a facial would be good write about now, so he sat down and immediately started eat his yak but he wasn't hungry so he went downstairs to see what was going on. He discovered that he was really a fetus, he went into a coma, which exploded. "Wow!" he said. "What an inconvience!!" He left for upper-left mega-sanctimonious vehement war mongering hell, but much to his dismay he was concieved and nine months later his parent died, this caused him to laugh long and hard and have a happy care free life until one day he realised that he was still in the womb so he started to eat his way out when he relized WHAT he was eating his way out of. It was some stinking NAZI with no facial features whatsoever so he started messing around with the internal organs of this person only to discover he didn't ACTUALLY have any. The whole thing was a figment of his imagination, and he ended up where he was before in greenland, home of the graceful and majestic gerbil, king of the Wokwoka people who didn't like him so they decided to try to burn him at with a blow torch but it so happened that they didn't have one, so they settled for a cheap 99 cent lighter when suddenly it exploded cuz they baught it at zellers and gave him 5th degree burns to his face witch the docter had never seen before so he just welded a mask onto his face, but then the mask fell off and his FACE was so horrible that only a deff person could love him, so he took Marcel (or whoever else is in the story) and poked his teeth out when yahtzee rolled a fourteen word message because he hated one-worded ones. But then he found out that he couldn't count past 12 obviously. "Blast!" he thought as he cursed the sword that had been in his throat for the last ten years then he wrote a hundred line message on the Babble BBS and left for a place were he would finnaly be acceptrd from him peirs, so when he got there he went up to a girl and typed 'hey!, Aren't you Pillar of Pentagarm??' "How could you think of a pillar as being female?" she replied. So she immediately began fondlin the nearest lampost, and suddenly the lampost fondled back, they had an unsuccessful relationship, and both died. God did much like either of them and promply began mastubating. God! Why do you guys always have to have our characters jerk off??!! It's getting so stupid and typical, leave sex out of it and use your imagination!! Everyone seemed to have lost thier imaginations, so they got back to the typical plot, which is massing to kill the Finn because his message was too big. God finally decided to resurect both the lampost and and the wonderful female when along came a guy named Jase. Then, he was off to Columbia nize most of those small African nations. Which wasn't all that funny because they knew what colour it was anyway. "Eh?" replied That guy, of course he had no idea what he was replying to, so he promptly made sure that one great dude like Jaze could fool around as well with a lampost but then the Devil appearred and was gone before you could say 'squib.' At any rate, Cher was there cautiosly checking for damages on those 2 lil tatoos on here butt, god helped, they were BUT THEN something that woke everyone up happened and suddenly, a huge rabid elf leaped out of the bushes and began to rape itslf while seeing a rerun of Oprah Winfrey screwing a lampost which led to no good whatsoever, thus, Europe erupted in a frenzy of cherry pez, which reighned over the Earth for a thousand and one nights causing Noah to rebuild the arc so he could use wood for its facial quoalities in the woods that is nothing. But then, the world's largest spinning face descended down from the heavens, and it spoke. No, it didn't. Then who did? face, face, face, face, face, face, injun injun, injun, injun, injun was, was, was, was, was coinhere..coinhere..coinhere.. So Marcel growled and swiftly mutilated was little remained of his frayed seal mother yes, but politics has nothing to do with it. We're talking about SHOWER CURTAINS here muthafucka muthafuckin shower curtains facial features were really REALLY nice looking. Nice lines, beautiful plates the plastique.


Milky Puppy, The Finn Caramon Majere, Nitro, Wendle, Tear Jacob, Fido, Pillar of Pentagarn... and anyone else we may have forgotten.

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