YIP Index

Story +3

by STiK


Only the smallest amount of time was spent worrying about the possibility of the infection spreading. There was no wound, so where could it go?

"Common knowledge is not so common," began Character #22, desparately biding his time. He found that every word he dared write seemed a bit more flesh-intensive than the last. Concerned, but not able to stop, he fit in well with the suburban background that had uncerimoniously adopted him.

"So I... run." [insert drama]


The nearest of the OH SO NEARBY broken sidewalks beckoned him forward. No stranger to a good beckoning, Character #22 lept away. Soon he would be concealed. Very soon. Any time now.

Even the mighty suspicion would never find Character #22, now so well hidden that even the Magical Hot Burrowing Fish complied. Their clever interpretations were now also ruined. Damn sidewalk!


Character #22 noticed that some things had changed. The broken sidewalk was no longer broken, nor was it a sidewalk. It looked more like a small merchant, with a large cart. Character #22 stopped to chat.

>> You Are Entering Chat Mode With The Merchant <<

hi, so you're a merchant?

No, I'm a broken sidewalk. Really,. I hate this keybaord..\\

Have you got any threes?

go fishh


>> Chat Mode Terminated <<

Seeing futility looming all around, and even underneath, Character #22 bade farewell to the merchant, now nothing more than a flaming cabbage, reminiscent of obsolete children in March.


Character #22 looked down at his hands. His small triangular hands. They had served him well, but sadly, it was time to move on. With a nod of approval, time and space became small and orange. "At last", began Character #22, noting the timely arrival of his own death. "I'll just save this for later", he cried out, mocking those who could only imagine saying such words.


Character #22 vaulted from his perch. He hated being a bird, and so promised himself to stop sometime in the future. Until then!


(|\/\/\|/\/- #22

Character #22 Manager, Pasty's

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