The Census Scandal by Milky
The census polls had just come in, there were now 788 billion people
living on the planet earth. The people in charge of the polls found this to be
odd, as there had only been 4 billion the previous year, but it was before them
in black and white, and a little bit of green at the top of the sheet (it had
cost them an extra 56 billion dollars, but it was well worth it).
The real estate folks went mad. Houses on top of houses. Apartment
buildings on top of apartment buildings. Cities on top of cities on top of
cities. They anticipated the largest boom in real estate ever imagined.
Two months passed, and nothing happened. No boom. Not even a significant
rise. The real estate firms contacted the census doers, and asked them to
re-check their facts. The census was reconducted, with the same results.
The world was completely baffled. Except for one man, who laughed quietly
in the corner of his bedroom, having told the census bureau that there were
784 billion people living in his attic.