



Who's Who


About Pyroto Mountain

Pyroto Mountain -- the mountain that is, not the game -- is a fine place to live and do business. It is the oldest mountain and one of spiffiest. With Imaz, Pyroto is one of the two mountains that serve as starting points for newcomers to the game.

We like to think of Pyroto as an Enlightened Meritocracy. "Enlightened" in the sense that those in power attempt to use their power for the benefit of all; "Meritocracy" in that it subscribes to a general philosophy that wizards should only get as much out of the game as they invest in it. All sanctified wizards on Pyroto Mountain have earned the majority of their levels themselves.

Pyroto's culture has traditionally leaned towards heavy involvement and concern with game politics and well-thought out messages. While Pyroto isn't the most warlike mountain in the land, Pyrotians embrace the strategic and diplomatic aspects of the game.

Whether you're considering moving to Pyroto or you're a recent immigrant looking to get acquainted with your new slope, please enjoy the information and advice available on this site.

"Pyroto" and a bunch of other words here are trademarks of Pyroto, Inc.

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