Who's Who
Pyroto Mountain's Rules
Unlike some mountains, Pyroto expects the most powerful and the least powerful to be bound by the same code of conduct. So far, the mountain's wizard-added rules are simple and few, but they work for us:
- No garbage posts. On top of the rules against copyrighted material and spam in the system's Terms of Service, this rule extends to all posts that obviously required no thought or effort and that clearly have no communicative value. Standard punishment after a first warning has been five Demotions per garbage post; those who have refused to reform have also been Drained into negative.
- No mass Promotions. Though you may feel free to use Promote to hand out a few levels as a reward for good behaviour, to climb in tandem with climbing team members, or to restore the victim of an attack to his or her former level, Pyroto Mountain has a policy against large (roughly, five levels or more) "gift" promotions, as we believe that all wizards on our mountain should earn their levels themselves. Mass Promotions will usually be undone; wizards who persist in the practice after being warned can face any punishment from Demotions to Banishment.
Other good behaviours include: explaining attacks publically and in a place where the victim can read the explanation; avoiding Hurling other people's messages simply because you disagree with the content; not namedropping TSOTL or elemental names unless you're actually discussing them; and being conservative with coloured text and multi-line signature files in messages.
While none of these have officially graduated to "rule" status yet, you can reasonably expect anything from a stern warning to Demotion, depending on whom you offend.
Pyroto also expects all sanctified wizards to be familiar with the Scrolls (use the Scrolls spell) and the system's Terms of Service (use the Terms of Service link at the bottom of most screens), to participate in the public message bands, and to contribute to the general upkeep of the mountain.
"Pyroto" and a bunch of other words here are trademarks of Pyroto, Inc.
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