Main Index


YIP stands for Y'know Inc. Productions. They wrote a lot of weird text files, and I've perverted them into HTML format. Those who wish to know more should check the approximate history (it's pretty long.)

The rest of you are probably impatient to read some of this weird stuff. The problem, at least from my point of view, is that there are an awful lot of files -- 527 at current count. Up until now I've just been dumping unwary web browsers into the whole pile and letting them sort it out for themselves, but that was when there were only 100-odd files. The current 500+ strikes me as unmanageable on its own.

I'm providing a little guidance. You can check through the files by author, persuse some personal favourites, or go through them in alphabetical order by title or file name.

YIP now has a site of its own with lots of other material, including issues of YIP Magazine.